Since the strategy's onset in 2001, Vinci has achieved a successful track record in managing long-term investments in companies in Brazil. Our main strategic focus is to promote revenue, productivity and profitability growth, through significant operating and management changes in portfolio companies.

We are Brazilians, with a Significant Experience in Managing Companies in the Country

We strive to obtain complete alignment of interests between partners, management teams and investors, through a common view related to the strategic direction to be pursued by the company, and the necessary steps to achieve long-term value creation to all stakeholders.

Full Alignment with Investors

Vinci's partners and employees are among the largest shareholders in the firm's funds, investing under the same terms and conditions as clients. Since 2004, Vinci Partners Private Equity team has invested over R$ 5 billion in partnership with different market constituents, such as entrepreneurs, financial investors and multinational companies.



The funds NE II and NE III are part of the Vinci Impact & Return (VIR) strategy. The strategy's objective is to acquire minority shareholdings in small and medium enterprises in Brazil aiming to generate good financial returns and cause quantifiable ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) impacts. All investments made under this strategy therefore have a growth profile with significant ESG impacts throughout their maturation cycle.





Management transferred in June 2017. Fund undergoing disinvestment.

Vinci Partners took over management of NE II FIP after the end of the investment period aiming to manage the fund and its disinvestment process. Since then, the fund fully divested Trevo (2018), Estaf (2018) and T&A (2018).

The information herein provided is for informational purposes only. The information contained on this website is in accordance with the by-laws and the offering memorandum of the investment funds, but does not replace them. To assess the performance of any investment fund, it is recommended to analyze, at least, a period of twelve (12) months. Investment funds are not guaranteed by Vinci, by any of its affiliates, by the Administrator, by any insurance mechanism or even the by Fundo Garantidor de Crédito (FGC). Investors are advised to carefully read the by-laws, the eventual essential information sheet, the complementary information form and the offering memorandum of the investment fund in which they want to invest. Investments imply in exposure to risks, including the possibility of total loss of the investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The performance provided herein is not net from taxes.

FIP Nordeste II / 1 Investment / Management transferred in 2017-06

This fund is in divestment period, with Vinci Partners’ main objective being generate liquidity and capital return to investors. We are working alongside portfolio companies in order to maximize the value of these capital returns to LPs.

FIP Nordeste III / 4 Investments / Management transferred in 2017-06

Total commitments of R$ 240 million. Target Sectors: Health, Specialty Retail, Consumer Goods and Services.

Nordeste III has as main investment strategy tickets between R$ 30 and 50 million (US$ 10 – 15mm) in companies with headquarters in the Northeast of Brazil presenting high growth potential or an inadequate capital structure. The fund looks mainly for minority shareholder positions. Nordeste III has investments in four portfolio companies (as of April 2019).